Pobal is looking for a Business Analyst
We are now recruiting a Business Analyst for Pobal. To apply, or for further details, contact Myles Molloy on 00353 87 278 3860 / mmolloy@osms.ie Job Description and Person Specification
We are now recruiting a Business Analyst for Pobal. To apply, or for further details, contact Myles Molloy on 00353 87 278 3860 / mmolloy@osms.ie Job Description and Person Specification
One imminent piece of legislation which will be of interest to companies involved in developing Intellectual Property (IP) and R&D is the proposed reduction in corporation tax applicable to income streams arising from IP. While the introduction of the 25% tax credit in respect of R&D activities gave a major incentive to companies on their R&D […]
The Companies Act 2014 will be implemented imminently which promises to modernise company law and reduce the administrative burden on business. However, it also places more responsibility on company directors. In summary, the Companies Act 2014 creates 7 new company types – of which the two most popular will be : Private Company Limited by […]
It has become very apparent that BOI and AIB in particular are open for, and are looking for business. Now is a good time for businesses to consider their funding requirements for the future as well as reviewing the current facilities that they have with their bank. Companies should also implement a strategy for dealing […]
Cash is the life-blood of businesses and yet it is sometimes viewed as being an unpleasant activity which is undertaken by the Accounts Department. Sometimes the perception is: Sales guys are there to sell and the Accounts guys are there to call the customer to get paid !! In order to be effective, there needs […]